1-liners reference


Usage examples of nlp.load()

The following examples demonstrate how to use nlu’s load api accompanied by the outputs generated by it. It enables loading any model or pipeline in one line
You need to pass one NLU reference to the load method.
You can also pass multiple whitespace separated references.
You can find all NLU references here

Named Entity Recognition (NER) 18 class

NER ONTO example

Predicts the following 18 NER classes from the ONTO dataset :

Type Description
PERSON People, including fictional like Harry Potter
NORP Nationalities or religious or political groups like the Germans
FAC Buildings, airports, highways, bridges, etc. like New York Airport
ORG Companies, agencies, institutions, etc. like Microsoft
GPE Countries, cities, states. like Germany
LOC Non-GPE locations, mountain ranges, bodies of water. Like the Sahara desert
PRODUCT Objects, vehicles, foods, etc. (Not services.) like playstation
EVENT Named hurricanes, battles, wars, sports events, etc. like hurricane Katrina
WORK_OF_ART Titles of books, songs, etc. Like Mona Lisa
LAW Named documents made into laws. Like : Declaration of Independence
LANGUAGE Any named language. Like Turkish
DATE Absolute or relative dates or periods. Like every second friday
TIME Times smaller than a day. Like every minute
PERCENT Percentage, including ”%“. Like 55% of workers enjoy their work
MONEY Monetary values, including unit. Like 50$ for those pants
QUANTITY Measurements, as of weight or distance. Like this person weights 50kg
ORDINAL “first”, “second”, etc. Like David placed first in the tournament
CARDINAL Numerals that do not fall under another type. Like hundreds of models are avaiable in NLU
nlp.load('ner').predict('Angela Merkel from Germany and the American Donald Trump dont share many opinions')
embeddings ner_tag entities
[[-0.563759982585907, 0.26958999037742615, 0.3… PER Angela Merkel
[[-0.563759982585907, 0.26958999037742615, 0.3… GPE Germany
[[-0.563759982585907, 0.26958999037742615, 0.3… NORP American
[[-0.563759982585907, 0.26958999037742615, 0.3… PER Donald Trump

Named Entity Recognition (NER) 5 Class

NER CONLL example

Predicts the following NER classes from the CONLL dataset :

Tag Description
B-PER A person like Jim or Joe
B-ORG An organisation like Microsoft or PETA
B-LOC A location like Germany
B-MISC Anything else like Playstation
O Everything that is not an entity.
nlp.load('ner.conll').predict('Angela Merkel from Germany and the American Donald Trump dont share many opinions')
embeddings ner_tag entities
[[-0.563759982585907, 0.26958999037742615, 0.3… PER Angela Merkel
[[-0.563759982585907, 0.26958999037742615, 0.3… LOC Germany
[[-0.563759982585907, 0.26958999037742615, 0.3… MISC American
[[-0.563759982585907, 0.26958999037742615, 0.3… PER Donald Trump

Part of speech (POS)

POS Classifies each token with one of the following tags

Part of Speech example

Tag Description Example
CC Coordinating conjunction This batch of mushroom stew is savory and delicious
CD Cardinal number Here are five coins
DT Determiner The bunny went home
EX Existential there There is a storm coming
FW Foreign word I’m having a déjà vu
IN Preposition or subordinating conjunction He is cleverer than I am
JJ Adjective She wore a beautiful dress
JJR Adjective, comparative My house is bigger than yours
JJS Adjective, superlative I am the shortest person in my family
LS List item marker A number of things need to be considered before starting a business , such as premises , finance , product demand , staffing and access to customers
MD Modal You must stop when the traffic lights turn red
NN Noun, singular or mass The dog likes to run
NNS Noun, plural The cars are fast
NNP Proper noun, singular I ordered the chair from Amazon
NNPS Proper noun, plural We visted the Kennedys
PDT Predeterminer Both the children had a toy
POS Possessive ending I built the dog’s house
PRP Personal pronoun You need to stop
PRP$ Possessive pronoun Remember not to judge a book by its cover
RB Adverb The dog barks loudly
RBR Adverb, comparative Could you sing more quietly please?
RBS Adverb, superlative Everyone in the race ran fast, but John ran the fastest of all
RP Particle He ate up all his dinner
SYM Symbol What are you doing ?
TO to Please send it back to me
UH Interjection Wow! You look gorgeous
VB Verb, base form We play soccer
VBD Verb, past tense I worked at a restaurant
VBG Verb, gerund or present participle Smoking kills people
VBN Verb, past participle She has done her homework
VBP Verb, non-3rd person singular present You flit from place to place
VBZ Verb, 3rd person singular present He never calls me
WDT Wh-determiner The store honored the complaints, which were less than 25 days old
WP Wh-pronoun Who can help me?
WP$ Possessive wh-pronoun Whose fault is it?
WRB Wh-adverb Where are you going?
nlp.load('pos').predict('Part of speech assigns each token in a sentence a grammatical label')
token pos
Part NN
of IN
speech NN
assigns NNS
each DT
token NN
in IN
a DT
sentence NN
a DT
grammatical JJ
label NN

Emotion Classifier

Emotion Classifier example
Classifies text as one of 4 categories (joy, fear, surprise, sadness)

nlp.load('emotion').predict('I love NLU!')
sentence_embeddings emotion_confidence sentence emotion
[0.027570432052016258, -0.052647676318883896, …] 0.976017 I love NLU! joy

Sentiment Classifier

Sentiment Classifier Example

Classifies binary sentiment for every sentence, either positive or negative.

nlp.load('sentiment').predict("I hate this guy Sami")
sentiment_confidence sentence sentiment checked
0.5778 I hate this guy Sami negative [I, hate, this, guy, Sami]

Question Classifier 50 class

50 Class Questions Classifier example

Classifies between 50 different types of questions trained on the Trec50 dataset When setting predict(meta=True) nlu will output the probabilities for all other 49 question classes. The classes are the following :

Abbreviation question classes:

Class Definition
abb abbreviation
exp expression abbreviated

Entities question classes:

Class Definition
animal animals
body organs of body
color colors
creative inventions, books and other creative pieces
currency currency names
dis .med. diseases and medicine
event events
food food
instrument musical instrument
lang languages
letter letters like a-z
other other entities
plant plants
product products
religion religions
sport sports
substance elements and substances
symbol symbols and signs
technique techniques and methods
term equivalent terms
vehicle vehicles
word words with a special property

Description and abstract concepts question classes:

Class Definition
definition definition of sth.
description description of sth.
manner manner of an action
reason reasons

Human being question classes:

Class Definition
group a group or organization of persons
ind an individual
title title of a person
description description of a person

Location question classes:

Class Definition
city cities
country countries
mountain mountains
other other locations
state states

Numeric question classes:

Class Definition
code postcodes or other codes
count number of sth.
date dates
distance linear measures
money prices
order ranks
other other numbers
period the lasting time of sth.
percent fractions
speed speed
temp temperature
size size, area and volume
weight weight
nlp.load('en.classify.trec50').predict('How expensive is the Watch?')
sentence_embeddings question_confidence sentence question
[0.051809534430503845, 0.03128402680158615, -0…] 0.919436 How expensive is the watch? NUM_count

Fake News Classifier

Fake News Classifier example

nlp.load('en.classify.fakenews').predict('Unicorns have been sighted on Mars!')
sentence_embeddings fake_confidence sentence fake
[-0.01756167598068714, 0.015006818808615208, -…] 1.000000 Unicorns have been sighted on Mars! FAKE

Cyberbullying Classifier

Cyberbullying Classifier example

Classifies sexism and racism

nlp.load('en.classify.cyberbullying').predict('Women belong in the kitchen.') # sorry we really don't mean it
sentence_embeddings cyberbullying_confidence sentence cyberbullying
[-0.054944973438978195, -0.022223370149731636,…] 0.999998 Women belong in the kitchen. sexism

Spam Classifier

Spam Classifier example

nlp.load('en.classify.spam').predict('Please sign up for this FREE membership it costs $$NO MONEY$$ just your mobile number!')
sentence_embeddings spam_confidence sentence spam
[0.008322705514729023, 0.009957313537597656, 0…] 1.000000 Please sign up for this FREE membership it cos… spam

Sarcasm Classifier

Sarcasm Classifier example

nlp.load('en.classify.sarcasm').predict('gotta love the teachers who give exams on the day after halloween')
sentence_embeddings sarcasm_confidence sentence sarcasm
[-0.03146284446120262, 0.04071342945098877, 0….] 0.999985 gotta love the teachers who give exams on the… sarcasm

IMDB Movie Sentiment Classifier

Movie Review Sentiment Classifier example

nlp.load('en.sentiment.imdb').predict('The Matrix was a pretty good movie')
document sentence_embeddings sentiment_negative sentiment_negative sentiment_positive sentiment
The Matrix was a pretty good movie [[0.04629608988761902, -0.020867452025413513, … ] [2.7235753918830596e-07] [2.7235753918830596e-07] [0.9999997615814209] [positive]

Twitter Sentiment Classifier

Twitter Sentiment Classifier Example

nlp.load('en.sentiment.twitter').predict('@elonmusk Tesla stock price is too high imo')
document sentence_embeddings sentiment_negative sentiment_negative sentiment_positive sentiment
@elonmusk Tesla stock price is too high imo [[0.08604438602924347, 0.04703635722398758, -0…] [1.0] [1.0] [1.692714735043349e-36] [negative]

Language Classifier

Languages Classifier example
Classifies the following 20 languages :
Bulgarian, Czech, German, Greek, English, Spanish, Finnish, French, Croatian, Hungarian, Italy, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Swedish, Turkish, and Ukrainian

nlp.load('lang').predict(['NLU is an open-source text processing library for advanced natural language processing for the Python.','NLU est une bibliothèque de traitement de texte open source pour le traitement avancé du langage naturel pour les langages de programmation Python.'])
language_confidence document language
0.985407 NLU is an open-source text processing library …] en
0.999822 NLU est une bibliothèque de traitement de text…] fr

E2E Classifier

E2E Classifier example

This is a multi class classifier trained on the E2E dataset for Natural language generation

nlp.load('e2e').predict('E2E is a dataset for training generative models')
sentence_embeddings e2e e2e_confidence sentence
[0.021445205435156822, -0.039284929633140564, …,] customer rating[high] 0.703248 E2E is a dataset for training generative models
None name[The Waterman] 0.703248 None
None eatType[restaurant] 0.703248 None
None priceRange[£20-25] 0.703248 None
None familyFriendly[no] 0.703248 None
None familyFriendly[yes] 0.703248 None

Toxic Classifier

Toxic Text Classifier example

nlp.load('en.classify.toxic').predict('You are to stupid')
toxic_confidence toxic sentence_embeddings document
0.978273 [toxic,insult] [[-0.03398505970835686, 0.0007853527786210179,…,] You are to stupid

YAKE Unsupervised Keyword Extractor

YAKE Keyword Extraction Example

nlp.load('yake').predict("NLU is a Python Library for beginners and experts in NLP")
keywords_score_confidence keywords sentence
0.454232 [nlu, nlp, python library] NLU is a Python Library for beginners and expe…

Word Embeddings Bert

BERT Word Embeddings example

nlp.load('bert').predict('NLU offers the latest embeddings in one line ')
token bert_embeddings
NLU [0.3253086805343628, -0.574441134929657, -0.08…]
offers [-0.6660361886024475, -0.1494743824005127, -0…]
the [-0.6587662696838379, 0.3323703110218048, 0.16…]
latest [0.7552685737609863, 0.17207926511764526, 1.35…]
embeddings [-0.09838500618934631, -1.1448147296905518, -1…]
in [-0.4635896384716034, 0.38369956612586975, 0.0…]
one [0.26821616291999817, 0.7025910019874573, 0.15…]
line [-0.31930840015411377, -0.48271292448043823, 0…]

Word Embeddings Biobert

BIOBERT Word Embeddings example
Bert model pretrained on Bio dataset

nlp.load('biobert').predict('Biobert was pretrained on a medical dataset')
token biobert_embeddings
NLU [0.3253086805343628, -0.574441134929657, -0.08…]
offers [-0.6660361886024475, -0.1494743824005127, -0…]
the [-0.6587662696838379, 0.3323703110218048, 0.16…]
latest [0.7552685737609863, 0.17207926511764526, 1.35…]
embeddings [-0.09838500618934631, -1.1448147296905518, -1…]
in [-0.4635896384716034, 0.38369956612586975, 0.0…]
one [0.26821616291999817, 0.7025910019874573, 0.15…]
line [-0.31930840015411377, -0.48271292448043823, 0…]

Word Embeddings Covidbert

COVIDBERT Word Embeddings
Bert model pretrained on COVID dataset

nlp.load('covidbert').predict('Albert uses a collection of many berts to generate embeddings')
token covid_embeddings
He [-1.0551927089691162, -1.534174919128418, 1.29…,]
was [-0.14796507358551025, -1.3928604125976562, 0….,]
suprised [1.0647121667861938, -0.3664901852607727, 0.54…,]
by [-0.15271103382110596, -0.6812090277671814, -0…,]
the [-0.45744237303733826, -1.4266574382781982, -0…,]
diversity [-0.05339818447828293, -0.5118572115898132, 0….,]
of [-0.2971905767917633, -1.0936176776885986, -0….,]
NLU [-0.9573594331741333, -0.18001675605773926, -1…,]

Word Embeddings Albert

ALBERT Word Embeddings examle

nlp.load('albert').predict('Albert uses a collection of many berts to generate embeddings')
token albert_embeddings
Albert [-0.08257609605789185, -0.8017427325248718, 1…]
uses [0.8256351947784424, -1.5144840478897095, 0.90…]
a [-0.22089454531669617, -0.24295514822006226, 3…]
collection [-0.2136894017457962, -0.8225528597831726, -0…]
of [1.7623294591903687, -1.113651156425476, 0.800…]
many [0.6415284872055054, -0.04533941298723221, 1.9…]
berts [-0.5591965317726135, -1.1773797273635864, -0…]
to [1.0956681966781616, -1.4180747270584106, -0.2…]
generate [-0.6759272813796997, -1.3546931743621826, 1.6…]
embeddings [-0.0035803020000457764, -0.35928264260292053,…]

Electra Embeddings

ELECTRA Word Embeddings example

nlp.load('electra').predict('He was suprised by the diversity of NLU')
token electra_embeddings
He [0.29674115777015686, -0.21371933817863464, -0…,]
was [-0.4278327524662018, -0.5352768898010254, -0….,]
suprised [-0.3090559244155884, 0.8737565279006958, -1.0…,]
by [-0.07821277529001236, 0.13081523776054382, 0….,]
the [0.5462881922721863, 0.0683358758687973, -0.41…,]
diversity [0.1381239891052246, 0.2956242859363556, 0.250…,]
of [-0.5667567253112793, -0.3955455720424652, -0….,]
NLU [0.5597224831581116, -0.703249454498291, -1.08…,]

Word Embeddings Elmo

ELMO Word Embeddings example

nlp.load('elmo').predict('Elmo was trained on Left to right masked to learn its embeddings')
token elmo_embeddings
Elmo [0.6083735227584839, 0.20089012384414673, 0.42…]
was [0.2980785369873047, -0.07382500916719437, -0…]
trained [-0.39923471212387085, 0.17155063152313232, 0…]
on [0.04337821900844574, 0.1392083466053009, -0.4…]
Left [0.4468783736228943, -0.623046875, 0.771505534…]
to [-0.18209676444530487, 0.03812692314386368, 0…]
right [0.23305709660053253, -0.6459438800811768, 0.5…]
masked [-0.7243442535400391, 0.10247116535902023, 0.1…]
to [-0.18209676444530487, 0.03812692314386368, 0…]
learn [1.2942464351654053, 0.7376189231872559, -0.58…]
its [0.055951207876205444, 0.19218483567237854, -0…]
embeddings [-1.31377112865448, 0.7727609872817993, 0.6748…]

Word Embeddings Xlnet

XLNET Word Embeddings example

nlp.load('xlnet').predict('XLNET computes contextualized word representations using combination of Autoregressive Language Model and Permutation Language Model')
token xlnet_embeddings
XLNET [-0.02719488926231861, -1.7693557739257812, -0…]
computes [-1.8262947797775269, 0.8455266356468201, 0.57…]
contextualized [2.8446314334869385, -0.3564329445362091, -2.1…]
word [-0.6143839359283447, -1.7368144989013672, -0…]
representations [-0.30445945262908936, -1.2129613161087036, 0…]
using [0.07423821836709976, -0.02561005763709545, -0…]
combination [-0.5387097597122192, -1.1827564239501953, 0.5…]
of [-1.403516411781311, 0.3108177185058594, -0.32…]
Autoregressive [-1.0869172811508179, 0.7135171890258789, -0.2…]
Language [-0.33215752243995667, -1.4108021259307861, -0…]
Model [-1.6097160577774048, -0.2548254430294037, 0.0…]
and [0.7884324789047241, -1.507911205291748, 0.677…]
Permutation [0.6049966812133789, -0.157279372215271, -0.06…]
Language [-0.33215752243995667, -1.4108021259307861, -0…]
Model [-1.6097160577774048, -0.2548254430294037, 0.0…]

Word Embeddings Glove

GLOVE Word Embeddings example

nlp.load('glove').predict('Glove embeddings are generated by aggregating global word-word co-occurrence matrix from a corpus')
token glove_embeddings
Glove [0.3677999973297119, 0.37073999643325806, 0.32…]
embeddings [0.732479989528656, 0.3734700083732605, 0.0188…]
are [-0.5153300166130066, 0.8318600058555603, 0.22…]
generated [-0.35510000586509705, 0.6115900278091431, 0.4…]
by [-0.20874999463558197, -0.11739999800920486, 0…]
aggregating [-0.5133699774742126, 0.04489300027489662, 0.1…]
global [0.24281999468803406, 0.6170300245285034, 0.66…]
word-word [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, …]
co-occurrence [0.16384999454021454, -0.3178800046443939, 0.1…]
matrix [-0.2663800120353699, 0.4449099898338318, 0.32…]
from [0.30730998516082764, 0.24737000465393066, 0.6…]
a [-0.2708599865436554, 0.04400600120425224, -0…]
corpus [0.39937999844551086, 0.15894000232219696, -0…]

Multiple Token Embeddings at once

Compare 6 Embeddings at once with NLU and T-SNE example

#This takes around 10GB RAM, watch out!
nlp.load('bert albert electra elmo xlnet use glove').predict('Get all of them at once! Watch your RAM tough!')
xlnet_embeddings use_embeddings elmo_embeddings electra_embeddings glove_embeddings sentence albert_embeddings biobert_embeddings bert_embeddings
[[-0.003953204490244389, -1.5821468830108643, …,] [-0.019299551844596863, -0.04762779921293259, …,] [[0.04002974182367325, -0.43536433577537537, -…,] [[0.19559216499328613, -0.46693214774131775, -…,] [[0.1443299949169159, 0.4395099878311157, 0.58…,] Get all of them at once, watch your RAM tough! [[-0.4743960201740265, -0.581386387348175, 0.7…,] [[-0.00012563914060592651, -1.372296929359436,…,] [[-0.7687976360321045, 0.8489367961883545, -0….,]

Bert Sentence Embeddings

BERT Sentence Embeddings example

sentence bert_sentence_embeddings
He was suprised by the diversity of NLU [-1.0726687908172607, 0.4481312036514282, -0.0…,]

Electra Sentence Embeddings

ELECTRA Sentence Embeddings example

nlp.load('embed_sentence.electra').predict('He was suprised by the diversity of NLU')
sentence electra_sentence_embeddings
He was suprised by the diversity of NLU [0.005376118700951338, 0.18036000430583954, -0…,]

Sentence Embeddings Use

USE Sentence Embeddings example

nlp.load('use').predict('USE is designed to encode whole sentences and documents into vectors that can be used for text classification, semantic similarity, clustering or oder NLP tasks')
sentence use_embeddings
USE is designed to encode whole sentences and …] [0.03302069380879402, -0.004255455918610096, -…]

Spell Checking

Spell checking example

nlp.load('spell').predict('I liek pentut buttr ant jely')
token checked
liek like
peantut pentut
buttr buttr
and and
jelli jely

Dependency Parsing Unlabeled

Untyped Dependency Parsing example

nlp.load('dep.untyped').predict('Untyped Dependencies represent a grammatical tree structure.md')
token pos dependency
Untyped NNP ROOT
Dependencies NNP represent
represent VBD Untyped
a DT structure
grammatical JJ structure
tree NN structure
structure NN represent

Dependency Parsing Labeled

Typed Dependency Parsing example

nlp.load('dep').predict('Typed Dependencies represent a grammatical tree structure.md where every edge has a label')
token pos dependency labled_dependency
Typed NNP ROOT root
Dependencies NNP represent nsubj
represent VBD Typed parataxis
a DT structure nsubj
grammatical JJ structure amod
tree NN structure flat
structure NN represent nsubj
where WRB structure mark
every DT edge nsubj
edge NN where nsubj
has VBZ ROOT root
a DT label nsubj
label NN has nsubj


Tokenization example

nlp.load('tokenize').predict('Each word and symbol in a sentence will generate token.')


Stemmer example

nlp.load('stem').predict('NLU can get you the stem of a word')
token stem
NLU nlu
can can
get get
you you
the the
stem stem
of of
a a
word word

Stopwords Removal

Stopwords Removal example

nlp.load('stopwords').predict('I want you to remove stopwords from this sentence please')
token cleanTokens
I remove
want stopwords
you sentence
to None
remove None
stopwords None
from None
this None
sentence None
please None


Lemmatization example

nlp.load('lemma').predict('Lemmatizing generates a less noisy version of the inputted tokens')
token lemma
Lemmatizing Lemmatizing
generates generate
a a
less less
noisy noisy
version version
of of
the the
inputted input
tokens token


Normalizing example

nlp.load('norm').predict('@CKL_IT says that #normalizers are pretty useful to clean #structured_strings in #NLU like tweets')
normalized token
says says
that that
normalizers #normalizers
are are
pretty pretty
useful useful
to to
clean clean
structuredstrings #structured_strings
in in
like like
tweets tweets


NGrams example

nlp.load('ngram').predict('Wht a wondful day!')
document ngrams pos
To be or not to be [To, be, or, not, to, be, To be, be or, or not…] [TO, VB, CC, RB, TO, VB]

Date Matching

Date Matching example

nlp.load('match.datetime').predict('In the years 2000/01/01 to 2010/01/01 a lot of things happened')
document date
In the years 2000/01/01 to 2010/01/01 a lot of things happened [2000/01/01, 2001/01/01]

Entity Chunking

Checkout see here for all possible POS labels or
Splits text into rows based on matched grammatical entities.

Entity Chunking Example

# First we load the pipeline
pipe = nlp.load('match.chunks')
# Now we print the info to see at which index which com,ponent is and what parameters we can configure on them 
# Lets set our Chunker to only match NN
pipe['default_chunker'].setRegexParsers(['<NN>+', '<JJ>+'])
# Now we can predict with the configured pipeline
pipe.predict("Jim and Joe went to the big blue market next to the town hall")
# the outputs of component_list.print_info()
The following parameters are configurable for this NLU pipeline (You can copy paste the examples) :
>>> component_list['document_assembler'] has settable params:
component_list['document_assembler'].setCleanupMode('disabled')         | Info: possible values: disabled, inplace, inplace_full, shrink, shrink_full, each, each_full, delete_full | Currently set to : disabled
>>> component_list['sentence_detector'] has settable params:
component_list['sentence_detector'].setCustomBounds([])                 | Info: characters used to explicitly mark sentence bounds | Currently set to : []
component_list['sentence_detector'].setDetectLists(True)                | Info: whether detect lists during sentence detection | Currently set to : True
component_list['sentence_detector'].setExplodeSentences(False)          | Info: whether to explode each sentence into a different row, for better parallelization. Defaults to false. | Currently set to : False
component_list['sentence_detector'].setMaxLength(99999)                 | Info: Set the maximum allowed length for each sentence | Currently set to : 99999
component_list['sentence_detector'].setMinLength(0)                     | Info: Set the minimum allowed length for each sentence. | Currently set to : 0
component_list['sentence_detector'].setUseAbbreviations(True)           | Info: whether to apply abbreviations at sentence detection | Currently set to : True
component_list['sentence_detector'].setUseCustomBoundsOnly(False)       | Info: Only utilize custom bounds in sentence detection | Currently set to : False
>>> component_list['regex_matcher'] has settable params:
component_list['regex_matcher'].setCaseSensitiveExceptions(True)        | Info: Whether to care for case sensitiveness in exceptions | Currently set to : True
component_list['regex_matcher'].setTargetPattern('\S+')                 | Info: pattern to grab from text as token candidates. Defaults \S+ | Currently set to : \S+
component_list['regex_matcher'].setMaxLength(99999)                     | Info: Set the maximum allowed length for each token | Currently set to : 99999
component_list['regex_matcher'].setMinLength(0)                         | Info: Set the minimum allowed length for each token | Currently set to : 0
>>> component_list['sentiment_dl'] has settable params:
>>> component_list['default_chunker'] has settable params:
component_list['default_chunker'].setRegexParsers(['<DT>?<JJ>*<NN>+'])  | Info: an array of grammar based chunk parsers | Currently set to : ['<DT>?<JJ>*<NN>+']```
chunk pos
market [NNP, CC, NNP, VBD, TO, DT, JJ, JJ, NN, JJ, TO…
town hall [NNP, CC, NNP, VBD, TO, DT, JJ, JJ, NN, JJ, TO…
big blue [NNP, CC, NNP, VBD, TO, DT, JJ, JJ, NN, JJ, TO…
next [NNP, CC, NNP, VBD, TO, DT, JJ, JJ, NN, JJ, TO…

Sentence Detection

Sentence Detection example

nlp.load('sentence_detector').predict('NLU can detect things. Like beginning and endings of sentences. It can also do much more!', output_level ='sentence')  
sentence word_embeddings pos ner
NLU can detect things. [[0.4970400035381317, -0.013454999774694443, 0…] [NNP, MD, VB, NNS, ., IN, VBG, CC, NNS, IN, NN… ] [O, O, O, O, O, B-sent, O, O, O, O, O, O, B-se…]
Like beginning and endings of sentences. [[0.4970400035381317, -0.013454999774694443, 0…] [NNP, MD, VB, NNS, ., IN, VBG, CC, NNS, IN, NN…] [O, O, O, O, O, B-sent, O, O, O, O, O, O, B-se…]
It can also do much more! [[0.4970400035381317, -0.013454999774694443, 0…] [NNP, MD, VB, NNS, ., IN, VBG, CC, NNS, IN, NN…] [O, O, O, O, O, B-sent, O, O, O, O, O, O, B-se…]

Document Normalization

Document Normalizer example
The DocumentNormalizer extracts content from HTML or XML documents, applying either data cleansing using an arbitrary number of custom regular expressions either data extraction following the different parameters

pipe = nlp.load('norm_document')
data = '<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Example</title> </head> <body> <p>This is an example of a simple HTML page with one paragraph.</p> </body> </html>'
df = pipe.predict(data,output_level='document')
text normalized_text
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Example</title> </head> <body> <p>This is an example of a simple HTML page with one paragraph.</p> </body> </html> Example This is an example of a simple HTML page with one paragraph.

Word Segmenter

Word Segmenter Example
The WordSegmenter segments languages without any rule-based tokenization such as Chinese, Japanese, or Korean

pipe = nlp.load('ja.segment_words')
# japanese for 'Donald Trump and Angela Merkel dont share many opinions'
ja_data = ['ドナルド・トランプとアンゲラ・メルケルは多くの意見を共有していません']
df = pipe.predict(ja_data, output_level='token')



Translation example You can translate between more than 192 Languages pairs with the Marian Models You need to specify the language your data is in as start_language and the language you want to translate to as target_language.
The language references must be ISO language codes


Translate Turkish to English:

Translate English to French:

Translate French to Hebrew:

translate_pipe = nlp.load('xx.en.translate_to.de')
df = translate_pipe.predict('Billy likes to go to the mall every sunday')
sentence translation
Billy likes to go to the mall every sunday Billy geht gerne jeden Sonntag ins Einkaufszentrum


Example of every T5 task

Overview of every task available with T5

The T5 model is trained on various datasets for 17 different tasks which fall into 8 categories.

  1. Text summarization
  2. Question answering
  3. Translation
  4. Sentiment analysis
  5. Natural Language inference
  6. Coreference resolution
  7. Sentence Completion
  8. Word sense disambiguation

Every T5 Task with explanation:

Task Name Explanation
1.CoLA Classify if a sentence is gramaticaly correct
2.RTE Classify whether if a statement can be deducted from a sentence
3.MNLI Classify for a hypothesis and premise whether they contradict or contradict each other or neither of both (3 class).
4.MRPC Classify whether a pair of sentences is a re-phrasing of each other (semantically equivalent)
5.QNLI Classify whether the answer to a question can be deducted from an answer candidate.
6.QQP Classify whether a pair of questions is a re-phrasing of each other (semantically equivalent)
7.SST2 Classify the sentiment of a sentence as positive or negative
8.STSB Classify the sentiment of a sentence on a scale from 1 to 5 (21 Sentiment classes)
9.CB Classify for a premise and a hypothesis whether they contradict each other or not (binary).
10.COPA Classify for a question, premise, and 2 choices which choice the correct choice is (binary).
11.MultiRc Classify for a question, a paragraph of text, and an answer candidate, if the answer is correct (binary),
12.WiC Classify for a pair of sentences and a disambigous word if the word has the same meaning in both sentences.
13.WSC/DPR Predict for an ambiguous pronoun in a sentence what it is referring to.
14.Summarization Summarize text into a shorter representation.
15.SQuAD Answer a question for a given context.
16.WMT1. Translate English to German
17.WMT2. Translate English to French
18.WMT3. Translate English to Romanian

Text Summarization

Summarization example

Summarizes a paragraph into a shorter version with the same semantic meaning, based on Text summarization

# Set the task on T5
pipe = nlp.load('summarize')

# define Data, add additional tags between sentences
data = [
The belgian duo took to the dance floor on monday night with some friends . manchester united face newcastle in the premier league on wednesday . red devils will be looking for just their second league away win in seven . louis van gaal’s side currently sit two points clear of liverpool in fourth .
'''  Calculus, originally called infinitesimal calculus or "the calculus of infinitesimals", is the mathematical study of continuous change, in the same way that geometry is the study of shape and algebra is the study of generalizations of arithmetic operations. It has two major branches, differential calculus and integral calculus; the former concerns instantaneous rates of change, and the slopes of curves, while integral calculus concerns accumulation of quantities, and areas under or between curves. These two branches are related to each other by the fundamental theorem of calculus, and they make use of the fundamental notions of convergence of infinite sequences and infinite series to a well-defined limit.[1] Infinitesimal calculus was developed independently in the late 17th century by Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.[2][3] Today, calculus has widespread uses in science, engineering, and economics.[4] In mathematics education, calculus denotes courses of elementary mathematical analysis, which are mainly devoted to the study of functions and limits. The word calculus (plural calculi) is a Latin word, meaning originally "small pebble" (this meaning is kept in medicine – see Calculus (medicine)). Because such pebbles were used for calculation, the meaning of the word has evolved and today usually means a method of computation. It is therefore used for naming specific methods of calculation and related theories, such as propositional calculus, Ricci calculus, calculus of variations, lambda calculus, and process calculus.'''

#Predict on text data with T5
Predicted summary Text
manchester united face newcastle in the premier league on wednesday . louis van gaal’s side currently sit two points clear of liverpool in fourth . the belgian duo took to the dance floor on monday night with some friends . the belgian duo took to the dance floor on monday night with some friends . manchester united face newcastle in the premier league on wednesday . red devils will be looking for just their second league away win in seven . louis van gaal’s side currently sit two points clear of liverpool in fourth .

Binary Sentence similarity/ Paraphrasing

Binary sentence similarity example Classify whether one sentence is a re-phrasing or similar to another sentence
This is a sub-task of GLUE and based on MRPC - Binary Paraphrasing/ sentence similarity classification

t5 = nlp.load('en.t5.base')
# Set the task on T5
t5['t5'].setTask('mrpc ')

# define Data, add additional tags between sentences
data = [
''' sentence1: We acted because we saw the existing evidence in a new light , through the prism of our experience on 11 September , " Rumsfeld said .
sentence2: Rather , the US acted because the administration saw " existing evidence in a new light , through the prism of our experience on September 11 "
sentence1: I like to eat peanutbutter for breakfast
sentence2: 	I like to play football.

#Predict on text data with T5
Sentence1 Sentence2 prediction
We acted because we saw the existing evidence in a new light , through the prism of our experience on 11 September , “ Rumsfeld said . Rather , the US acted because the administration saw “ existing evidence in a new light , through the prism of our experience on September 11 “ . equivalent
I like to eat peanutbutter for breakfast I like to play football not_equivalent

How to configure T5 task for MRPC and pre-process text

.setTask('mrpc sentence1:) and prefix second sentence with sentence2:

Example pre-processed input for T5 MRPC - Binary Paraphrasing/ sentence similarity

sentence1: We acted because we saw the existing evidence in a new light , through the prism of our experience on 11 September , " Rumsfeld said . 
sentence2: Rather , the US acted because the administration saw " existing evidence in a new light , through the prism of our experience on September 11",

Regressive Sentence similarity/ Paraphrasing

Measures how similar two sentences are on a scale from 0 to 5 with 21 classes representing a regressive label.
This is a sub-task of GLUE and based onSTSB - Regressive semantic sentence similarity .

t5 = nlp.load('en.t5.base')
# Set the task on T5
t5['t5'].setTask('stsb ') 

# define Data, add additional tags between sentences
data = [
              ''' sentence1:  What attributes would have made you highly desirable in ancient Rome?  
                  sentence2:  How I GET OPPERTINUTY TO JOIN IT COMPANY AS A FRESHER?'
              sentence1: What was it like in Ancient rome?
              sentence2: 	What was Ancient rome like?
              sentence1: What was live like as a King in Ancient Rome??
              sentence2: 	What was Ancient rome like?


#Predict on text data with T5

Sentence1 Sentence2 prediction
What attributes would have made you highly desirable in ancient Rome? How I GET OPPERTINUTY TO JOIN IT COMPANY AS A FRESHER? 0
What was it like in Ancient rome? What was Ancient rome like? 5.0
What was live like as a King in Ancient Rome?? What is it like to live in Rome? 3.2

How to configure T5 task for stsb and pre-process text

.setTask('stsb sentence1:) and prefix second sentence with sentence2:

Example pre-processed input for T5 STSB - Regressive semantic sentence similarity

sentence1: What attributes would have made you highly desirable in ancient Rome?        

Grammar Checking

Grammar checking with T5 example) Judges if a sentence is grammatically acceptable.
Based on CoLA - Binary Grammatical Sentence acceptability classification

pipe = nlp.load('grammar_correctness')
# Set the task on T5
pipe['t5'].setTask('cola sentence: ')
# define Data
data = ['Anna and Mike is going skiing and they is liked is','Anna and Mike like to dance']
#Predict on text data with T5
sentence prediction
Anna and Mike is going skiing and they is liked is unacceptable
Anna and Mike like to dance acceptable

Open book question answering

T5 Open and Closed Book question answering tutorial

You can imagine an open book question similar to an examen where you are allowed to bring in text documents or cheat sheets that help you answer questions in an examen. Kinda like bringing a history book to an history examen.

In T5's terms, this means the model is given a question and an additional piece of textual information or so called context.

This enables the T5 model to answer questions on textual datasets like medical records,newsarticles , wiki-databases , stories and movie scripts , product descriptions, ‘legal documents’ and many more.

You can answer open book question in 1 line of code, leveraging the latest NLU release and Google’s T5.
All it takes is :

Where did Jebe die?
context: Ghenkis Khan recalled Subtai back to Mongolia soon afterwards,
 and Jebe died on the road back to Samarkand""")
>>> Output: Samarkand

Example for answering medical questions based on medical context

question ='''
What does increased oxygen concentrations in the patient’s lungs displace? 
context: Hyperbaric (high-pressure) medicine uses special oxygen chambers to increase the partial pressure of O 2 around the patient and, when needed, the medical staff. 
Carbon monoxide poisoning, gas gangrene, and decompression sickness (the ’bends’) are sometimes treated using these devices. Increased O 2 concentration in the lungs helps to displace carbon monoxide from the heme group of hemoglobin.
 Oxygen gas is poisonous to the anaerobic bacteria that cause gas gangrene, so increasing its partial pressure helps kill them. Decompression sickness occurs in divers who decompress too quickly after a dive, resulting in bubbles of inert gas, mostly nitrogen and helium, forming in their blood. Increasing the pressure of O 2 as soon as possible is part of the treatment.

#Predict on text data with T5
>>> Output: carbon monoxide	

Take a look at this example on a recent news article snippet :

question1 = 'Who is Jack ma?'
question2 = 'Who is founder of Alibaba Group?'
question3 = 'When did Jack Ma re-appear?'
question4 = 'How did Alibaba stocks react?'
question5 = 'Whom did Jack Ma meet?'
question6 = 'Who did Jack Ma hide from?'

# from https://www.bbc.com/news/business-55728338 
news_article_snippet = """ context:
Alibaba Group founder Jack Ma has made his first appearance since Chinese regulators cracked down on his business empire.
His absence had fuelled speculation over his whereabouts amid increasing official scrutiny of his businesses.
The billionaire met 100 rural teachers in China via a video meeting on Wednesday, according to local government media.
Alibaba shares surged 5% on Hong Kong's stock exchange on the news.
# join question with context, works with Pandas DF aswell!
questions = [
             question1+ news_article_snippet,
             question2+ news_article_snippet,
             question3+ news_article_snippet,
             question4+ news_article_snippet,
             question5+ news_article_snippet,
             question6+ news_article_snippet,]

This will output a Pandas Dataframe similar to this :

Answer Question
Alibaba Group founder Who is Jack ma?
Jack Ma Who is founder of Alibaba Group?
Wednesday When did Jack Ma re-appear?
surged 5% How did Alibaba stocks react?
100 rural teachers Whom did Jack Ma meet?
Chinese regulators Who did Jack Ma hide from?

Closed book question answering

T5 Open and Closed Book question answering tutorial

A closed book question is the exact opposite of a open book question. In an examen scenario, you are only allowed to use what you have memorized in your brain and nothing else.
In T5's terms this means that T5 can only use it’s stored weights to answer a question and is given no aditional context.
T5 was pre-trained on the C4 dataset which contains petabytes of web crawling data collected over the last 8 years, including Wikipedia in every language.

This gives T5 the broad knowledge of the internet stored in it’s weights to answer various closed book questions

You can answer closed book question in 1 line of code, leveraging the latest NLU release and Google’s T5.
You need to pass one string to NLU, which starts which a question and is followed by a context: tag and then the actual context contents. All it takes is :

nlp.load('en.t5').predict('Who is president of Nigeria?')
>>> Muhammadu Buhari 
nlp.load('en.t5').predict('What is the most spoken language in India?')
>>> Hindi
nlp.load('en.t5').predict('What is the capital of Germany?')
>>> Berlin
Last updated