License Management & Caching


Storage of License Data and License Search behaviour

The John Snow Labs library caches license data in ~/.johnsnowlabs/licenses whenever a new one is provided . After having provided license data once, you don’t need to specify it again since the cached licensed will be used. Use the local_license_number and remote_license_number parameters to switch between multiple licenses.
Note: Locally cached licenses are numbered in the order they have been provided, starting at 0.
remote_license_number=0 might not be the same as local_license_number=0.
Use the following functions to see all your avaiable licenses.

List all available licenses

This shows you all licenses for your account in
Use this to decide which license number to install when installing via browser or access token.


List all locally cached licenses

Use this to decide which license number to use when using jsl.start() or jsl.install() to specify which local license you want to load.


License Search precedence

If there are multiples possible sources for licenses, the following order takes precedence:

  1. Manually provided license data by defining all license parameters.
  2. Browser/ Access Token.
  3. Os environment Variables for any var names that match up with secret names.
  4. /content/*.json for any json file smaller than 1 MB.
  5. current_working_dir/*.json for any json smaller than 1 MB.
  6. ~/.johnsnowlabs/licenses for any licenses.

JSON files are scanned if they have any keys that match up with names of secrets.
Name of the json file does not matter, file just needs to end with .json.

Last updated