Utilities for Testing Models & Modelshub Code Snippets


You can use the John Snow Labs library to automatically test 10000+ models and 100+ Notebooks in 1 line of code within a small machine like a single Google Colab Instance and generate very handy error reports of potentially broken Models, Notebooks or Models hub Markdown Snippets.

You can test the following things with the test_markdown() function :

  • A local Models Hub Markdown snippet via path.
  • a remote Models Hub Markdown snippet via URL.
  • a local folder of Models Hub Markdown files. Generates report
  • a list of local paths or urls to .md files. Generates a report

Test-Report Pandas Dataframe has the columns:

Report Column Description
test_script is the generated script for testing
stderr Error logs of process ran. Print this to easily read
stdout Standard Print logs of process ran. Print this to easily read
success True if script ran successfully from top to bottom
notebook The Source notebook for testing

Test a Local Models Hub Markdown Snippet

from johnsnowlabs.utils.modelhub_markdown import test_markdown

Test a Remote Models Hub Markdown Snippet

from johnsnowlabs.utils.modelhub_markdown import test_markdown

Test a Folder with Models Hub Markdown Snippets

This will scan the folder for all files ending with .md , test them and generate a report

from johnsnowlabs.utils.modelhub_markdown import test_markdown

Test a List of Markdown References

Can be mixed with Urls and paths, will generate a report

from johnsnowlabs.utils.notebooks import test_ipynb
md_to_test = ['legpipe_deid_en.html',
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